Category: Education
Tags: upsc gk questions and answers part 2gk in hindiquestions and answers in hindiupsc topper interviewupsc studentvery important questionsvery importantupsc prelims 2019iasimportant questionsupscupsc gkupsc preparationpcspcs gkgkgeneral knowledgeimportant questions and answersgk for students in hindiupsc main questions and answersexamimportantias gkupsc classpart-2nishant sharma
Description: UPSC GK Questions and Answers in hindi by Nishant Sharma Part-3 | upsc,ias,gk,pcs,upsc prelims 2019 upsc preliminary 2019 Questions and Answers:- 1:- वह कौन-सा जानवर जो पैदा होने के दो महीने बाद तक सोता हैं? उत्तर:- भालू 2:- इंग्लैंड में हुए इंटरनेशनल IQ टेस्ट में पुछा:- 5 के बीच में आप 4 कैसे लिख सकते हैं? उत्तर:- F(IV)E 3:- नीली क्रांति का संबंध किस क्षेत्र से हैं? उत्तर:- मत्स्य पालन से 4:- किस मीठे फल के बीज में जहर पाया जाता हैं? उत्तर:- 'Ackee' नामक फल के बीज में जहर पाया जाता हैं 5:- गायत्री मंत्र की रचना किसने की थी? उत्तर:- विश्वामित्र #upsc #gk #upscprelims2019 #ias #upscgk #pcs #iasgk #pcsgk #important #importantquestions #exam #questionsforstudents UPSC GK Questions and Answers in hindi by Nishant Sharma Part-3 LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE our YouTube Channel Nishant Sharma. Our Channel is based on Quiz & Puzzles, hindi riddles, common sense test GK, Common sense riddles with answers, tricky questions in hindi, important general knowledge in hindi, Life Story Hindi Biography, motivational story, inspiring story, GK questions with answers, brain teasers questions, urdu puzzles, majedar paheliyan in hindi, personality test, logical questions, spot the difference, optical illusion, spot hidden objects and many more. So subscribe our channel NISHANT SHARMA and press the bell icon. THANK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING MY VIDEO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW US ON:- Twitter:- Google Plus:- LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE :-